Using a cutting board with your knives is so important. Not only does it protect your worktops from certain damage but it prevents the blade from going dull too quickly as well. Moreover, it provides you with a stable platform for cutting your foods which ups kitchen safety immensely.
In this guide, we want to discuss why we think a wood cutting board is an excellent tool. We will be looking at the different types of wood you can choose from and how this essential accessory will benefit your meal prep!
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What Type of Wood For a Cutting Board?
There are so many different types of wood available but not all are suitable for everything, especially when it comes to kitchen equipment. That’s why it’s super important to consider which type of wood you’ll go for. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones and their suitability for wooden cutting boards.

However, you should keep in mind that in order to properly maintain your maple wooden board, you’ll need to regularly condition it.

But as well as just looking good, walnut is also brilliant for keeping your knives in good shape as it’s much softer. It doesn’t stain easily and is decently durable.
On the downside, it may not be able to stand up to certain cutting challenges, especially those that require you to be a little more heavy-handed.

That said, compared to some other woods, this resistance is slightly lower. So while it will serve you well, cherry may need to be replaced sooner than something like maple.

But you should keep in mind that this is a very hard wood and so it won’t be as gentle on your knives as walnut, for example.

Of course, there is a downside as with anything else and that is that beech requires much more maintenance than other types of cutting board. If you don’t look after it, it won’t last as long as you had hoped.

That said, you must keep in mind that bamboo contains higher levels of silica. This means that it won’t be as gentle on your knives, so you might have to sharpen them more frequently.
What Are the Benefits of Wooden Cutting Boards?
There is an ongoing debate over whether wooden or plastic cutting boards are the best choice. In all honesty, there are pros and cons to both a wood and plastic cutting board. But many professional chefs swear by wood providing the best cutting board, and there's a good reason for this.
● The most obvious benefit of a wooden cutting board is its durability. Wood is used for so many applications because, by its very nature, it is robust and resistant. You will need to properly maintain your cutting board but by doing this, you’ll have a tool that will last for many years.
● Many companies that make wood cutting boards offer customisation options. For example, there are boards that have holes that allow you to hang them, finger slots and various-sized handles. On top of this, there’s a huge choice of wood types so you can get something that perfectly suits you.
● Some types of wood are different from others but for the most part, they’re all gentler on your knives than plastic which is known to quickly dull blades.
● According to one study, it may take a little more effort to get your wooden cutting board clean but once you do, it’s far more sanitary than plastic boards. This is because your knife will make little grooves in a plastic board where bacteria can thrive, providing dangers for food safety and food poisoning. This isn’t the case when using a wooden cutting board.
● Wood is much more environmentally-friendly than plastic. Once you’ve finished with your cutting board, you can reuse it elsewhere in the home or recycle it. Being a natural material, its harvest and manufacture is much more eco-friendly.